
New updates and improvements to TeachThought

  1. Video coaching will be available soon

    New Feature

    Soon, video coaching will be available. You will be able to upload questions, video of your teaching (with a signed release if any students are captured in the classroom), and more.

  2. Upcoming Courses for Q1 2023


    In December of 2022 and the spring semester 2023, we plan on releasing courses on:

    How To Teach Critical Thinking

    What Is Diagnostic Teaching?

    Getting Started With Project-Based Learning

    Using the 40/40/40 Rule In Your Classroom

    and many more, including inquiry-based learning, assessment practices that save time, improving student engagement, and much more!

  3. Bookmarking is here

    New Feature

    You can now build your own personal library by saving posts, lessons, and even courses to your own private page.

  4. Improved Dashboard!


    The dashboard page is now significantly improved, making access to your courses, account, the library, social learning, and more all on a single page.

  5. Added: Social Login

    New Feature

    You can now login via social channels. For now, it's limited to Google and Facebook with others being added soon.